About Me
Okay, you found me. If you don't know who you found I am the husband of a wonderful lady, the father of eight awesome children, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Canadian, and a software engineer at Google.
You can also find me on:
- The Couple Project: A project my wife and I work on to improve marriages.
- Twitter: nthnca.
- GitHub: nthnca.
- LinkedIn: Nathan Bullock.
Other pages you might find interesting:
- Domineering solver "Obsequi" I wrote for my Master's thesis. I recently made some small improvements and re-attempted to solve for some positions since computers are significantly faster today.
- Some JavaScript game starters for my children. There is the start of a Tetris clone, a snake game, and Domineering.
And what am I spending my time on right now.